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Lines & Wrinkles – CST Micro Needling

The activation of growth factors through needling the skin induces collagen and elastin production. The increased collagen and elastin smoothes and plumps the skin. New, smoother Type 1 collagen (which is the collagen we are born with) is formed and the appearance of lines and wrinkles are much reduced.

The number of treatments required depends very much on the depth of the lines and wrinkles. Where lines and wrinkles are established, 3 treatments may be required and where they are deeper and more pronounced up to 6 treatments may be needed.

A full consultation is carried out prior to treatment. The condition or severity of the skin complaint is analysed to determine the amount of treatment which will be needed to get the best result. A patch test is carried out to ensure that there are no allergies to the topical anaesthetic which will be used in treatment.


Treatment time  80 mins Initial treatment  €240
Follow up treatment €175 (if maintained within 4wks)
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